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πŸ”Ž Accounting Rate of Return

In general, we don’t like ARR because it doesn’t respect the time value of money. Therefore, we won’t spend much time on it.

To some degree, this slide is here to remind us that it is important to account for the Time Value of Money. See the video accompanying the following page for more: [Two measures of profit - Cash Flow vs. Net Income]() πŸ”—

Accounting Rate of Return

ARR comes down to two equations:

ARR=Averageβ€…β€Šprofitsβ€…β€Šafterβ€…β€ŠtaxesAverageβ€…β€ŠinvestmentARR=\frac{Average \;profits \;after \;taxes}{Average \;investment} Averageβ€…β€Šprofitsβ€…β€Šafterβ€…β€Štaxes=Averageβ€…β€Šannualβ€…β€Šoperatingβ€…β€Šcashβ€…β€Šinflowsβˆ’Averageβ€…β€Šannualβ€…β€ŠdepreciationAverage \;profits \;after \;taxes=Average \;annual \;operating \;cash \;inflows- Average \;annual \;depreciation

Plug and chug: (help)

  1. Equation β†’
  2. Plug πŸ”Œ β†’
  3. Solve πŸš‚ β†’
  4. 🧠 β†’

Simplest Example:

❔ What was Apple’s ARR. Assume that Average Annual Deprec. is 10,000M10,000M. You have the opportunity to lease β€œApple” for 3 years for and annual cost of 233B233B.

βœ” Click here to view answer

Averageβ€…β€ŠProfitsβ€…β€ŠAfterβ€…β€ŠTaxes=Avβ€…β€ŠAnnOperatingβ€…β€ŠCashβ€…β€ŠInflowsβˆ’Avβ€…β€ŠAnnβ€…β€ŠDepreciation=102,288βˆ’11,148=91,140Average \;Profits \;After \;Taxes = Av \;Ann Operating \;Cash \;Inflows - Av \;Ann \;Depreciation = 102,288 - 11,148 = 91,140
ARR=Avgβ€…β€ŠProfitβ€…β€ŠAftβ€…β€ŠTax/Avgβ€…β€ŠInvestment=91,140/233,000=0.3912ARR = Avg \;Profit \;Aft \;Tax / Avg \;Investment = 91,140 / 233,000 = 0.3912